sun and moon dreams

Let the rain come 
Let the rain come 
And wash away the shame
that came
Let the rain come 
Let the rain come 
And wash away the stupid games
I played
Let the rain come
Let the rain come 
And wash away the voices telling me who I should be 
The voices that are not me 
Let my destiny
come from the bottom of my own sea  
May moments where I felt loved
Be remembered more easily 
And may moments of hurt and tragedy 
Begin to soften into a deeper peace than I’ve ever known 
Wisdom is my home 
A deeper peace than I’ve ever known
Wisdom is my home 

Waves of reassuring energy
flow through me 
Waves of reassuring energy
flow through me
Waves of reassuring energy
flow through me

The sun dreamed
of being a human
So she dreamed of you 
She chose you to wrap around her

The moon dreamed
of a new kind of glowing 
So she dreamed of your heart
And found that glowing is a feeling 

The sun dreamed
of being a human
So she dreamed of you 
She chose you to wrap around her

The moon dreamed
of a new kind of glowing 
So she dreamed of your heart
And found that glowing is a feeling