Illustrations for Austin Hill Shaw’s Manifesto:
The guiding principles of the joyful home remodel

We recognize that all of us have arisen from and are an ongoing part of a dynamic, interdependent, deeply mysterious universe and that all activities, including design and building, unfold against this foundational backdrop.

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We value the sanctity of all life, including human life, as well as human life’s origin in and continuous dependence upon the natural world.

We recognize that every human being is also a creator; that creativity is not a gift of only certain individuals, but a defining trait of being human.


As a defining trait of being human, the process of creating is both natural and deeply fulfilling.

The quality of our experience in our home environment profoundly affects our overall sense of well-being.


 Find out more about Austin and his amazing company here.

Beyond the basic necessities of food, water, and shelter (home), we also recognize that all human beings share three Core Human Needs, the need for connection, the need for contribution, and the need for meaning.