In honor of the grief of the modern man

small men tall men

Small men
In the big bad world
Tall men
But they never touch the sky
Well, they never really touch the ground either

Rubber shoes
Eyes glued
You’d think to the moon
But no,
Nature’s last year’s joke

Sippin’ on midnight screens
I don’t even dream
Light up the night
’Coz I never stop bein’ afraid of the dark

Don’t you dare look in my closet
All the abandoned me’s, that’s where I deposit
Fragments I wish I could forget

Part of me is sayin’
”Are we done yet?
Are we done yet?”

[guitar interlude]

Oooh, I’m afraid to
Ask for my dreams back
’Coz I know
It’s like sayin’ I’m ready, I’m ready for grief
I’m ready to be pleased
I’m ready for my humanity
But I’m kind of addicted to insanity

Distract me
Distract me
Try to interact with me

I know I make it real hard to do that, though