
I was really on the fence because I have little to no experience with painting. I also had a million other reasons to not take this workshop. Jill  gently encouraged me to do it, believing that I would be beneficial to the path I am on. I still resisted. I resisted all the way until I stepped foot in the space. I knew I was in the right place. Jill humbly offers space and experience that is invaluable in this society. During the workshop I discovered parts of me that were so hidden but so ready to be released. All the things I was afraid of all of a sudden felt really good, and I couldn’t get enough. Needless to say I swiftly went out and bought myself paints, and I’m sure I will be painting the rest of my life. Thank you Jill, for helping me open up to a world I was completely closed off to, but desperately wanted to be in.


Jill’s playful arts, BEFORE we picked up paint or brush; movement, playacting, qi gong, put us in the mood for exploring our hearts, our relationships, with both innocence and knowing.

The class was fun, engaging, with a sense of ease, pause, daring.

I was thrilled to make such a raw, unadulterated, gut felt painting.

What a birth, what a haunting.  Jill gives one the guidance one needs, as she watches each student’s unfolding, with respect, grace, expertise. 


This workshop was about so much more than painting. Jill facilitated a wide range of experiences that freed us from our internal and external limits to our creativity and to our truth. This included movement, dance, play, music, and discussion, and she always invited us to do anything else that would move us closer to what we wanted to create. She gave us the technical basics we needed to paint and intentionally stopped there. She gently pushed us out of the nest and encouraged us to start painting what we feel. Jill helped us understand that we didn't need a plan and that there isn't a definition of the "right way" to paint - we could use brushes, fingerpaint, etc. I am so grateful for this experience and have continued to paint since the workshop.


Jill created a beautiful container to support me in processing some of the deepest layers of my relationship with my parents.  By helping us get into our bodies and let our somatic selves reveal what needed to be seen, I was able to witness and transform some very old patterns.  I’m grateful for the space, and intention for healing she held during this process!  I highly recommend the workshop for anyone who feels called, and is ready to go into what may have previously been in the shadows! 

- Melissa