mundane magic.png

 Mundane Magic

video: get shot from above while making stew. Use video still for “psychedelic kitchen witchin” painting.

Steaming spoon wound

the sound of boiling and simmering

Dramatic slow mo of red sheet for “matador on cleaning day”.

Use sweeping sounds to make a beat for the breakdown


This quote by Dan Coats sums up the reason for having a song like “Mundane Magic” in your psychological tool kit..
Character cannot be summoned at the moment of crisis if it has been squandered by years of compromise and rationalization. The only testing ground for the heroic is the mundane. The only preparation for that one profound decision which can change a life, (or even a nation), is those hundreds of half-conscious, self-defining, seemingly insignificant decisions made in private. Habit is the daily battleground of character. -Dan Coats 

So, I’d like to expand on Mr. Coats’ eloquent observations to say mundane magic is a slow, sensual kind of magic.
A creeping happiness that grows out of consistent acts of care for one’s own life.
As you do the dishes for the gazillionth time, invite your muscles to relax. 
Once you surrender to the boredom and simplicity of the moment’s maintenance task, you can begin to settle deep into your subtle energies, feeling the suppleness and satisfaction of inhabiting a body. You may awaken to the vividness of color and form that surrounds you. Satisfied by the sights and sounds and smells and thoughts mingling in your consciousness as you gracefully take care of your shit.

After all, beauty is a being who can take care of business in bliss
Let the moment penetrate you with calm purpose. 
There is an ever present pleasure. 
Find the treasure beneath your dread.

Learn to turn maintenance into magic
mundane magic
transmute the tragic
through mundane magic

I comb my hair
then I roll out my feet 
I brush my teeth 
I take vitamin D 
I put on jewelry
dripping in poetry
Cuz I love me me me 

I hold a cup of faith with both hands 
I drink it in with the morning sun 
An elixir that makes the worries come undone
The worries come undone 

I press the cup against my chest 
I let the warmth feed my happiness 

Silent good wishes in all of my dishes
I wash my soul when I wash the dishes 
I wash my soul when I wash the dishes 

I turn maintenance into magic
Mundane magic 
I transmute the tragic
Through mundane magic

I dance as I shop at the grocery store
Enjoying people watching can’t possibly be bored
I don’t assume that this shopping trip is the same
as it was before
Each moment new
To this mundane playground I look forward

I play as I prepare my food for the day 
a savory bowl of stew 
A rich, chocolate, creamy brew 
so many things I can do with cashews

I’m psychedelic kitchen witchin
trippin on the dinner I be simmerin
an oracle in the kitchen 
experiencing matrix glitches 

Delicious nutritious ideas 
Sautéed to perfection
Pleasurable pate prayers 
Packin stacks of snacks
For low blood sugar resurrection
I don’t need an apron
to be kitchen cute
I use banana peanut butter muffins
To say I love you

I turn maintenance into magic
Mundane magic 
I transmute the tragic
Through mundane magic

I shake out the pillows, blankets, and rugs 
Arms engaged 
the fabric moves in waves 
feelin like a matador
on cleaning day

Now you can sweep the floor or you can sweep that motherfuckin floor…
every day I sweep away the emotional residue
every day I sweep away the emotional residue
I’m a witch and I got a broom
oooh ooh oooh
I’m a witch and I got a broom
ooh ooh oho hoh
I’m a witch and I got a broom
I’m not gonna fly away
But I’ll clean your living room

I am released to the pleasures of the present where I used to feel confined
I am released to the pleasures of the present where I used to feel confined
I am released to the pleasures of the present where I used to feel confined
I’m taking care of business and enjoying my time

After all, beauty is a being who can take care of business in bliss

(Out of your consistent care
new life is born. 
A kind of aliveness arises 
you couldn’t conceive of before.

Bare witness to the many gifts 
Born of a steady rhythm of mundane magic
Simply stated,
It feels goood to take care of shit!)


A recipe for an ethereal morning and evening.

I jump out of bed and run outside 
And let the sun warm my closed eyes 
Fresh air 
Feet bare

I feed myself the matrix of Jill before and after breakfast
Memorizing delicious platefuls of poetry over a candle lit ceremony
Digesting the nutrients of personal meaning so my field may be plump with purpose

I discover the sacred script of Jill 
one line at a time
taking vibrant sips of the delectable divine
I steep my soul in my scroll
and awaken new pockets of shine

The often forgotten step in artmakin
Is appreciation
So I marinate in my creations
I take time to take pride in my vocation
And feed this tender feeling in my heart
Of childlike elation

Every couple of weeks I water fast for a day 
I tattoo my skin canvas and meditate 
I reiki myself 
With a calm wavelength
I resonate

Dry skin brush
Cold shower
I cover my body in oil
Suppleness my superpower 

I let my eyes sink into my hips 

stick massage

I say goodnight to the moon

And slip under the covers

My body melts into the bed

Upon suggestions to feel heavy 

Clip and clean nails 

She observes the balance of color in the ingredients as she prepares her dinner.

aware of quantities and timing.