Jill is my best friend
She advances with an unflinching determination.
Purpose clear
Be art. Make art. Eat art. Share art. Wear art.
She dances more than she walks
She sings more than she talks
She commands peace
through an artistic mastery
Of her emotions
She rests in motion
Moving with the poise of a cat and the slyness of a fox.
She welcomes you to join her
Outside of the box.
Many wish
Many dream
But she is a weaver of her world.
Building structures that serve her
Every day awake
To the values within
Knowing her contentment
Won’t come in a single day
But by living her word
Again and again
Body euphoria
Sweet emanations
financial elation
Her emotions are
crystal clear information
Pure knowledge
Efficient and merciful
She studies the way she opens the door, the way she breathes while doing a task, while in the presence of another, while in the presence of an idea, a food, a drawing.
She is fascinated by being human.
(Jill’s love for me is legendary
And massages my feet)
quick wit
She designs and executes a life that fits
Her shit
She a badass witch bitch
Breathing audibly
Hanging from a tree
Dancing publicly
Sitting directly on the concrete
That bitch is crazy
Mama Jill got my back.
Warm clothes and good food in my pack
Money in the bank
Rich in good friends
precise living
Locally sourced
Homemade sunshine
The Fairy of Fun
the gift of a good time
A feeling of freedom I have found in my work
fully provided for by a river of personal revelation
I rest in slow contemplation
Keen observation
Full body meditation
Digested information
I’ve turned my child’s play into paper rain
I know how to work within my range
I introduce myself by my given name
Cuz I
thinks it’s cute
I peel the words off the page, chew them up, digest them thoroughly and send them out into the world on waves of sound
that come from the ground, up my feet, my legs, my torso, out my mouth.
I watch my thoughts and actions
And listen to the stories I speak
Do I really want to expand on that topic?
Or will it deepen a groove of suffering?
What energy do my sound waves bring?
Jill is real with me
She asks me every day, “What do you want?”
“What do you need?”
She cares if I’m happy.
She feeds my mind a beautiful matrix of quotes, stories, drawings, songs, and movies
She keeps it groovy
Have you tried her smoothies?
focused on my personal projects
it’s my responsibility to build a life
that will sustain me
I accept the challenge
And rise to it gracefully
I polish my diamond self on the daily
And when I sing
My diamond goes
Sparkle sparkle ping
I let my hair grow out as the roots of me grow deep
I am willing to give myself time to be slow and strong and bear the fruit I wanna eat
I can taste the fruit of what it means to be me
I give of my time less generously
So there’s plenty of time just for me
To explore what makes me feel inspired and happy
Diving into wells of beauty
And self soothing
Exploring new spaces
All with good pacing
I’m a billboard
A Jill board
My calm face
Advertising a strong
Inner space
Her superpower
breathing new life into people and places
Diving in and out of shadowy spaces
Making sense out of the densities
Art is her way of communicating
The findings
Of her Interdimensional expeditions
I’ve turned my child’s play into paper rain
I know how to work within my range
I introduce myself by my given name
Cuz I
thinks it’s cute
I peel the words off the page, chew them up, digest them thoroughly and send them out into the world on waves of sound
that come from the ground, up my feet, my legs, my torso, out my mouth.
I let my hair grow out as the roots of me grow deep
I’m willing to give myself time to be slow and strong and bear the fruit I wanna eat
I can taste the fruit of what it means to be me
I work in a well organized, competent way
Achieving maximum productivitay
With minimum wasted expense or energay
…That was my spin on google’s definition of “efficiency”
I dedicate time to self creation and marination
So when I spend time with others I am calm and full of fresh revelation
ripe for sharing
with a genuine capacity for caring
I tend to the bonfire behind my eyes
Fueling the fire with learning and participating in practices that strengthen me,
sharpening my observational and emotional memory
through daily journal storytelling
What made me cry, laugh
Stop in my tracks
Conversations I wanna look back on
I see songs as tools for organizing my life
As a way to claim the real estate of my mind
So there’s no room left for bullshit
The songs are
Calm convictions
consciously created
elegantly integrated and articulated
precious personal truths
Basic structures in which my soul can rest
I am a product of principles explored in depth
Crisp decision making blossoming from the back of my chest
Fuck yes
Every day I’m grateful I have legs and arms that work.
And I express that joy through endless wiggles and whirls
and little girl twirls
I’m glad I haven’t died yet
Too much epicness to be expressed.
I am relieved of
former identities
That I didn’t choose consciously
I am relieved of the need to please everybody
Goodbye insecurities and cravings that made my peace so fragile
I step into an identity
I have chosen to wear
One I created with care
This conscious creation is a woman so present
Tending to her inner fire every day
Feeding it with a strong breath
moments of reflection
Moments of basking in pleasure
Alone time a deeply rejuvenating treasure