Everything comes from relationships.
If after reading these lists
you feel your space is a good fit,
let’s schedule a visit.
Over tea we can see if the vibes are synergistic.
If values and energies align, we can test acoustics and talk logistics.
Each event is heavily inspired by the space and person who hosts it.

What home spaces are we looking for?

  • Unscented candles are allowed

  • Space is clean and feels good to be in

    • good air flow (windows are often open)

    • doesn’t smell toxic or moldy

    • well loved, homey

  • Room to have 7-10 people gather in a circle or oval formation

  • We can step outside and touch our bare feet to the Earth without much effort

  • Ideally, less than 30 minutes drive away from Grove Park in Berkeley

  • The space is available to host on a Sunday

  • Bonus: there’s a fire pit in the yard that neighbors are okay with you using

What kind of people do we want to attend?

People who…

  • are dear to you. It’s easy to be yourself around them

  • are in their craft, creating positive change, and interested in connecting with other powerful creators to further their work

  • value raw human expression and in person connection

  • live near Berkeley or Oakland 

  • enjoy moving their bodies, being barefoot, eating well, and see community as a core source of well-being